- Only natural persons may become members of the association.
- Honorary membership can be bestowed on members who have rendered outstanding service to the aims of the URSI or the URSI national committee during their membership.
- Conditions for membership of the URSI national committee are as follows: (a) personal contribution to the field as attested by publications, (b) scientific contributions to URSI conferences (for example, Kleinheubacher Tagung), and (c) a willingness to contribute actively to the work of one of the commissions. If a new member also holds membership of another URSI national committee, it is expected that this membership be suspended.
- Applications for membership are presented by the relevant commission chairperson (in accordance with §5.4) and are decided on by the general assembly. If an ordinary majority of those members present is in favour, the application is accepted. If an application is rejected, it is returned to the commission, which may put it to a renewed vote at the next general assembly if the relevant grounds for this are presented.
- Every member can decide to change their status to advisory member for professional or personal reasons. They thus become exempt from active participation in a commission, but their voting rights at the general assembly are maintained. This change can be revoked at any time and active work in the commission is taken up again.
- Membership ceases with death, resignation or exclusion. Membership may be resigned at any time. Members may be excluded if a secret ballot at the general assembly passes such a motion, presented by the commission chairperson, with a two-thirds majority. Members may only be excluded for serious matters.
- There is no membership fee while funding through the federal government is ensured.